Lecture Videos

Now  that i have uploaded many text materials,let me share with you some interesting video lectures i have come across during preparation.

1.Microelectronics by Behzad Razavi 

One of the best lecture series to start studying the basic analog circuits at UG level.I highly recommend this for Semester 3 students of Electronics branch.

2.Signals and Systems by Oppenheim

This is vintage stuff,Alan Oppenheim is the man to go for if you want to learn signals and systems from scratch.The lecture series is quite old,but doesnt lack the clarity of content.I would also recommend students to solve problems from his text here.

3. Network Analysis and Synthesis by Dutta Roy (NPTEL)

Dutta Roy lectures stand out among other NPTEL videos because of his dedication and clarity in explaining topics with lucid examples in multiple domains be it network theory,signals and systems or digital signal processing.

4. Control Systems by Brian Douglas

This one is an illustrative and short videos on various topics in control systems recommended by one of my friends.There is also another NPTEL lecture series by Prof.Madan Gopal available here which is also very good.

4.Solid State Devices  by S.Karmalkar 

The language and content of this lecture series is very good.I feel this is one of the best lectures for preparing well on Electronic Devices topic in GATE.

5. Analog Signal Processing by K.R.K Rao

K Radakrishnan Rao is regarded as the ANALOG GOD who has taught for over 20 years at IIT-M and is currently working as Distinguished Member and Technical Staff (DMTS) (Analog Training) at Texas Instruments, India.These lectures are a must watch for those who are interested in pursuing a career in VLSI.

6. Digital Circuits and Systems by S.Srinivasan

This NPTEL lecture covers all essential topics of Digital Electronics course and i would recommend students to read Digital Design by Morris Mano in parallel while watching this lecture series.

UPDATE: Check out the NPTEL Lectures complete list for GATE ECE Preparation here.

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